Mmm...McDonald's... Anyway, it's finally here people, Page Sixteen. Imagine that, a whole page where Andrea says nothing! The page quality is really starting to rise, too, don't you think? But enough of my musings, I've got some good news for y'all!
We're full of the holiday spirit this week, and, therefore, we've decided to give you a Thanksgiving treat: an extra page! I know, I know. Try not to get too excited and break things by accident, ha ha...*Ahem* Anywho, this Thursday--Thanksgiving Day, that is--we're gonna put up Page Seventeen for your viewing enjoyment. Then, on Friday, we'll have "The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting" Part 8 up featuring the winner of our poll. And, of course, Page Eighteen will go up the following Sunday as per usual. Pretty sweet, huh? Kinda makes up for the whole "Wednesday updates" business, doesn't it? See you guys Thursday! Have a great week!--YJ
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For all but the first panel, YJ and I had to pose for reference photos. A stuffed tiger sat in for Eli...YJ's favorite toy as a kid....^.^ (We've been experiencing technical difficulties with this post and the sidebar, sorry 'bout that. But we've re-posted Page Sixteen in hopes that it will fix the problem. Thanks! ^ ^ )
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