Sunday, December 13, 2009

Episode 1- Page Twenty

Yay!!! Twenty pages! It's kinda like a milestone, y'know. Hey, guys. I'm back for this week's post. If you pay close attention to this one, you'll notice Andrea's role diminishing. That's because Scene Three is going to give you all a little break from Andrea--we all need that every now and again...seriously. Right now, though, we get to enjoy our first experience of the interaction between Joia and Andrea. I enjoyed writing what's featured on this page, so I really hope you like it. Don't forget to check out PG's Sketch of the Week. Oh! And we'll have an important message up this Friday, so be sure to check it out.  See you guys later!--YJ

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Seeing this page is reminding me of how hard it was drawing that spiral staircase >.<-- PG                                                                                           

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