Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Drawing of the Week
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Episode 1- Page Twenty-One

Friday, December 18, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from us at Shapeshift Fantasy to all of you! Since it's the Holidays, we're going to be taking some time off this week coming up. That means there won't be any posts Christmas week--no page Sunday, no sketch, no strip. We're just chillin' this Christmas, but it won't be for long. The following week, we get right back to work with Page Twenty One and a brand new series of strips entitled "Shapeshifting and YOU" starting New Years Day. Neat, huh? We hope you guys have an excellent Holiday Season. Again, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!--YJ
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sketch of the Week
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Episode 1- Page Twenty

Friday, December 11, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Ten
On New Year's Day 2010-- Shapeshifting & YOU...
...And Page Twenty goes up this Sunday the 13th.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sketch of the Week
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Episode 1- Page Nineteen

Friday, December 4, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Nine
Next week-- "The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting" wraps up...
And remember... Page Nineteen goes up this Sunday the 6th!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Drawing of the Week

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Episode 1- Page Eighteen

Friday, November 27, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Eight
Next week-- Shapeshifting for cosmetic use...
And remember, Page Eighteen goes up this Sunday the 29th!
Have a great weekend!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Episode 1- Page Seventeen
Now, as we all know, it's Thanksgiving, and perhaps you've already finished your seconds and your fourths and your fifths, and you're wondering, "How could this day get any better?" Well, congratulations! Pearl Garden and I are here, and now we all have something to be truly thankful for...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Seven
Next week-- More on proportional shapeshifting, featuring our poll winner!!!
Page 16 is up on Sunday, the 22nd.
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Episode 1- Page Fifteen
Well, well, well, Andrea finally shut up... Anywho, we've arrived at Page Fifteen--to point out the obvious. We've got some good stuff going on on this page, and it's not quite so wordy this time, so I'm happy. With just one page a week, it's taken quite a while to get to the nitty gritty, but Episode One is finally in full swing.
And don't think we've forgotten you. We're still working on the Wednesday replacement, and hopefully it'll be to your liking. In the meantime, enjoy Andrea at her best, why don't you. I think you'll agree it's a worthy spectacle. You know we love her, but she's a headache for Marion. Until next week!--YJ
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Six
Next week-- Shapeshifting on the fly...
Page 15 goes up Sunday the 15th. Cool, huh?
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Episode 1- Page Fourteen
Hello, hello, it's been so long. But I'm back! We're rollin' on along with Page Fourteen here...and it's another wordy one. I do know for a fact that PG is particularly fond of the bottom right panels, so I think we're finally getting into some work she's actually happy with (ha!). Anyway, there's not much to describe, here; it's just continuing the conversation from the last page. I do think, however, that one truly begins to ascertain from this page what a pain Andrea would be to deal with if she were an actual human being. Hmm, I wonder how many of you really know someone like her.--YJ
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Five
Next week-- Shapeshifting and wardrobe...
Page Fourteen. Sunday the 8th. You know the drill ^-^...
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Episode 1- Page Thirteen
Page Thirteen ready to go. Did you miss me? Well, just to warn you, this page has a lot of, well...words, so just be prepared to read. The pages are getting better and better from here on. We hope you like them. Since Wednesdays are still up in the air, I guess I'll be back next Sunday for Page Fourteen. Have a great week!--YJ
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part 4
Next week- The Shapeshifting gene...
And remember...Page 13 goes up Sunday the 1st!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Character Profile #4: Eli
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Episode 1- Pages Eleven and Twelve
Today, we have a double feature--because, frankly, we'd feel too guilty if we just gave you a page wherein the most interesting thing was a salad. Also note that these pages kick off Scene Two, which gets us a little bit further into the meat of the episode. Page Eleven has some good scenery, I think. I hope you guys like Marion's house, cuz a lot of work went into designing it. As for Page Twelve, I can tell you that even more work went into designing the interior, so show some love to PG. Anyway, next week's gonna be normal--just one page. Sorry. You still get a new profile Wednesday and a strip up on Friday, and it's free, so...yeah.--YJ
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Three
Next week-- Shapeshifting with age...
Don't forget: this Sunday the 25th is Double Page Day!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Character Profile #3: Joia Carreira
Full name: Joia Patricia Carreira
Date of Birth: September 23, 1987 (Libra)
Age: 20
Height: 5’5”
Hair: Violet
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Secretary
Date of Birth: September 23, 1987 (Libra)
Age: 20
Height: 5’5”
Hair: Violet
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Secretary
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Episode 1- Page Ten
"Captain said to big ol' John Henry, 'That ol' ball keeps a bouncin' round...' "
*Ahem* Well, anyway, this is Page Ten, and it officially ends the first scene. We appreciate y'all sticking with us as long as you have--those of you who have stuck with us, that is. But even if you're just reading Shapeshift Fantasy through for the first time, I can promise you that the next scene will be even better. I'm not just being biased here either--I don't think, anyway.
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part Two
(Click image)
Next week- Yet more on gender-bending...
...And don't forget that Page 10 goes up this Sunday the 18th! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Character Profile #2: Andrea McKenna
Full name: Andrea Clair McKenna
Date of Birth: December 29, 1989 (Capricorn)
Age: 18
Height: 5’1”
Hair: Medium blonde
Eyes: Grey
Occupation: Psychologist’s assistant
Family: Mother, Ernestine; Father, Joseph; oldest brother, Shane; older brother, Timothy; cousin once-removed, Marion
Shapeshift Specialty: Children of both sexes
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Episode 1- Page Nine
Hey, more work with facial expressions! Well, now. Y'know, it's a bit more of a drag than I thought having to wait a week for the next page--but we all have our crosses to bear. By the way, this may not come across too well in the page, so I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: Andrea doesn't really like people.--YJB
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Womanly Art of Shapeshifting- Part 1
(Click image)
Next week-- The ladies discuss gender-bending and more...
...but meanwhile Page Nine goes up this Sunday the 11th. Have a great weekend! --PG
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Character Profile #1: Marion Ellis
Date of Birth: December 19, 1956 (Sagittarius)
Age: 51
Height: 5’4”
Hair: Black (graying)
Eyes: Who knows?
Occupation: Psychologist
Family: Sister, Karen; brother-in-law, Daniel; nephew, Brendan; nephew, Dylan; cousin, Ernestine; cousin once-removed, Andrea; husband, Philip (divorced)
Shapeshift Specialty: Adult women of all shapes and sizes
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Episode 1- Page Eight
All I have to say is, who doesn't love a cookie? My only problem is figuring out what kind of cookie I'm in the mood for. In the end, I always go for Oreos as a default, but my absolute favorite is the oatmeal raisin cookies we make at home. Trust me, if Andrea knew she would be getting one of those babies, she'd have no problem completing this assignment. Huh? What am I talking about? Ah, just read. You'll see what I mean.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Episode 1- Page Seven

Friday, October 2, 2009
Episode 1- Page Six

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Episode 1- Page Five
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Episode 1- Page Four

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Episode 1- Page Three
Hmm...If you ask me, they should have just gone with Take 4. I mean, who wouldn't need therapy after watching that? Oh, I hope the preview doesn't give you nightmares, mwah hah hah.
Anyway, this is page three for you. See how, if you wait patiently, an actual story does develop? So, don't knock it till you've seen it people...
Anyway, this is page three for you. See how, if you wait patiently, an actual story does develop? So, don't knock it till you've seen it people...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Episode 1- Page Two
Here's Page two. Makes page one make a whole lot more sense, huh? Take note: it is not good business to try to shame people into getting therapy. Hmm, maybe she's the one who needs therapy. (BTW, that's not Marion. Marion's the one behind the camera.) --YJB
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Episode 1- Page One
It's the first page! We're really excited. Read the whole thing after the jump. Remember-- read from right to left.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Introducing...Shapeshift Fantasy!
In a world much like our own, strange people walk the streets--people with a unique and mind-boggling power. Within limitations, these individuals can change their appearances to become carbon copies of almost anyone in existence. Now, a lone woman has made it her mission to use this God-given ability to help heal the minds and lives of broken individuals. Marion Ellis, Ph. D., through her private practice and use of her special "shapeshift therapy," is working to bestow "a full life" on others one patient at a time, but can her somewhat strained family unite behind her mission?
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