Andrea's philosophy is interesting, no? At any rate, here's Page Fifty-Two; it's been quite a few, hasn't it? I particularly like this page because I think it shows Andrea in a way that makes her almost as scary as her mom. It's also the end of the scene, in case you were wondering. There's an important announcement from PG after the jump, so do honor us by reading it, please. Well, now, I think that's about all I have to say for this week; PG's got the rest pretty much covered. Until we meet again, mes amis.--YJ
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Episode One- Page Fifty-One
Okay, so when I said the silliness was over...yeah, well, that wasn't totally correct. What can I say? It's never completely gone. Anyway, we join Andrea this week as she tries her hand at being understanding--It's a good thing Marion has low expectations... As a bonus, you all also get your first glimpse at Andrea's bizarre hobby. Before I forget, I would like to mention, as I have before, that this scene works best if you view the related pages in succession. I know our one-page-a-week format makes things a little awkward, but I think it would still help the scene make sense--but I'm sure I didn't need to tell you guys that. On that note, then, I bid you farewell until next time. Enjoy your week.--YJ
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Episode One- Page Fifty
Happy July 11th, everyone! We're back from our impromptu vacation this week, which means you guys get another page--I hope you're not too steamed about last week... This week, however, we delve still deeper into the inner workings of Andrea's mind. Maybe she's not just mean after all... Decide for yourselves, my friends; I, in the meantime, will retreat into the abyss once more as we begin making preparations for next week's page (And yes, there WILL be a page next week, scout's honor). See y'all then.--YJ
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Important Last-Minute Notice!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Episode One- Page Forty-Nine
Greetings from the mysterious world of the creators of Shapeshift Fantasy. The fun and games are quite over now; it's time for a bit of serious "Andrea introspection." From here on, we get to delve a little bit into the mind of our favorite resident misanthrope-- do proceed with caution. On the other hand, though, you might just find it interesting, so don't be afraid give it a taste. As always, I will return next Sunday with our latest installment of Shapeshift Fantasy. You will try to be patient, won't you? Until then, have a good week.--YJ
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Episode One- Page Forty-Eight
Welcome once more to Shapeshift Fantasy! Insane Oprah says hello. Have you guys had a good week? I've spent mine doing some much needed work while also discovering the wonders of the Cooking Channel. Those old shows are a hoot. Anyhow, I'm not here to talk about that, but rather to present you with Shapeshift Fantasy Page Forty-Eight. My, my, my, we've almost made it to fifty pages. It's been a while, hasn't it--and all leading to insane Oprah. Well, okay, that's not what it's been leading to, but it's still a treat, wouldn't you say? Take care of yourselves, now, and I'll catch you on the other side of this week.--YJ
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Episode One- Page Forty-Seven
Hmm... Well, this page is suspiciously unfamiliar to me... *shrugs* Anyway, Ernestine's back in charge now, as you can see. Y'know, she kinda makes Andrea seem soft. This scene's comin' on down to a close now, so make sure to take your time...soak it in...savor it...and then go on about your day. I'll be here next Sunday with the next installment, so rest easy--I know how anxious you must get (ha!). See y'all in seven days.--YJ
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Sketch of the Week
I have a sketch for you guys this week! I told you all sometime in the past that I was experimenting with different drawing media, and here is one of the results! Find out all about it after the jump...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Episode 1- Page Forty-Six
It was all fun and games before, but now Ernestine's back--be afraid... Hey! How y'all doin'? We've made it to Page Forty-Six this week--wow, it's been a lot. I know it's been slow going, but we may have actually gotten somewhere...Well, maybe not, but it's moving. Now then, on that note, just sit back and enjoy as Andrea's torture goes from bad to worse. I, however, will see you all next week, while PG will be back this Wednesday with another sketch. Keep it real, y'all.--YJ
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Episode 1- Page Forty-Five

Ahh, another week means another Page of Shapeshift Fantasy. I hope you all have had a good past seven days; I sure have. I am coming from a nice quiet birthday last week to deliver my own gift to you--Page Forty-Five. Scene 5 is winding down, my friends, and the silliness is coming to an end for now; however, I think we can all agree that it's been a hoot. So enjoy, now, as Andrea's ordeal comes to its abrupt halt, and I will see you next week for Page Forty-Six. Take care, now.--YJ
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Episode 1- Page Forty-Four

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sketch of the Week
Well! After a good long hiatus, I'm back with another bunch of sketches this week. How've y'all been doing? I've been really busy myself. Artistically, I've been trying new things, and experimenting with new media. Non-artistically, I've been playing The Sims 2. Anyway, this week's sketches feature-- follow me now-- preliminary sketches...
... of the incidental characters...
... from the last few weeks' pages. *whew!*
I actually put a lot of thought into character extras, because it helps me to determine what they might do or say, or how they might behave. So, I give 'em backstories, even though readers may never know what they are. But, with this great little thing called blogging, you all out there can know a little bit more about these characters.
After the jump, of course...
... of the incidental characters...
... from the last few weeks' pages. *whew!*
I actually put a lot of thought into character extras, because it helps me to determine what they might do or say, or how they might behave. So, I give 'em backstories, even though readers may never know what they are. But, with this great little thing called blogging, you all out there can know a little bit more about these characters.
After the jump, of course...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Episode 1- Page Forty-Three
Is it really sadistic to torture a misanthrope? Beats me; this is a psychology comic, not a philosophy one. That being the case, then, we continue Andrea's punishment as I present you with Page-Forty Three, all crisp and ready for your viewing enjoyment. It may help to view this and the last several pages in rapid succession--they work so well together like that. Andrea's cruel and unusual punishment continues next week; make sure to be there. Oh, yeah, and before I return to my underground lair, I should tell you that I've heard from a very reliable source that you all will be getting a new Sketch of the Week this Wednesday. Sounds good, doesn't it? You bet it does. Now then, I leave you to enjoy Shapeshift Fantasy page Forty-Three, and you're free to ponder my philosophical question while you do so. See you next week!--YJ
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Episode 1- Page Forty-Two
Hmm... Andrea's remaining relatively composed considering the situation. Oh, hello, again. I've reemerged from the mist to deliver Page Forty-Two to you lovely, deserving people. It's pretty goofy this week...and that's why I love it. The fun keeps rollin' next week too; so stay with us. Anywho, I've done my duty; time for me to slink mysteriously back into the shadows from whence I came--You guys have a good week, though. Oh, and...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Episode 1- Page Forty-one Andrea's...Nightmare. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We continue what we like to call Scene 5 this week with more fun with celebrities. PG and I had a lot of fun doing this scene--it's a shame we only put up a page a week. Of course, I'm sure you're tired of me complaining about that and then not doing anything about it, so I'll shut up now. And with that, I'll let you guys get to reading. I'm back next Sunday--and not a day sooner! Ha ha--What I mean to say is, have a nice week.--YJ
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Episode 1- Pages Thirty-Nine & Forty
It's Shapeshift Fantasy! It's also another two-for-one deal, Yay! This time, we're getting a little more loose with things as we take a break from all the tension...if there was tension. I think there was tension. We were going for tension. Anyway, there won't be any for the next few pages, at least; so enjoy Pages Thirty-Nine and Forty. I have to admit, I get a kick out of them. See you wonderful folks next Sunday!--YJ
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-Eight
Oh, hash browns, Oh hash browns,
Such crispy delight,
Or goopy, gray mess
If you don't make them right...
Such crispy delight,
Or goopy, gray mess
If you don't make them right...
*ahem* End Scene! That's right, Page Thirty-Eight is the last page of Scene 4. I'm happy because next scene...oh, I'm being informed that I'm over-hyping. Sorry 'bout that; I'll try to keep things reasonable. I'm happy cuz I think Scene 5 is a lot of fun, but you can draw your own conclusions--starting next week as a matter of fact. Anyway, Here's a nice page for all of you, and I'll be back same time next week. But you knew that. Have a great week.--YJ Anyone else got a craving for Waffle House?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-Seven
We're winding down on Scene 4 this week. Actually, there's another page left after this one, but it's still about over. This week, we feel the gust from Ernestine's cold, cold heart. Pretty soon, though, we'll be havin' some fun, ha ha ha... You'll have to wait for Scene 5. Well, now, I'm in a good mood; hope y'all are too. See you guys at the dawn of the next Sunday. Enjoy yourselves this week. You deserve it.--YJ
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Drawing of the Week
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-Six

Ah, can you feel the tension brewing in this scene? If not, then pay closer attention, cuz Page Thirty-Six is comin' right at ya! As we observe this oncoming battle of wits, be sure to contemplate how lucky you are not to be Andrea, while I contemplate the delights of breakfast. I'm keepin' it short this time, so see you next week, and have a good one!--YJ
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Drawing of the Week
It's the return of the Drawing of the Week! This time it features Marion shapeshifted into a well-known comedienne whom we all *love*...
Find out who after the jump!
Find out who after the jump!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-Five

Whadaya hear, whadaya say? The weekly post is up and ready... Hey, so, I've been watching Naruto Shippuden, lately. Have any of you noticed that not a lot happens each episode and that the episodes are composed mostly of filler and inexplicable, exasperating pauses? Well, it's just occurred to me that our weekly pages can be a little like that sometimes. I humbly apologize, but I'm afraid that is the way it must be for now. So, that said, here's Page Thirty-Five. Enjoy the nice artwork, and I hope you have a great week. See you next Sunday.--YJ
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sketch of the Week
I'm back! Brought out the ol' sketchbook yesterday for the Sketch of the Week. Read all about it after the jump!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-Four
Hey, you all! I'm back at ya with this week's page. Adjusting to Daylight Savings Time has gone more smoothly than anticipated, and, therefore, I was able to finish Ernestine's profile last Friday without any drama, so to speak. Don't misunderstand me--I still hate it. It just hasn't knocked me to the floor and kicked me like it usually does. Anyway, speaking of Ernestine, Page Thirty-Four here features the beginning of her...well..."antics," for lack of a better word. (You'll see what I mean on the up-coming pages.) Enjoy, and I'll hit you again next week. Until then!--YJ
Friday, March 19, 2010
Character Profile #5: Ernestine McKenna
Full name: Ernestine Forsythe McKenna
Date of Birth: Aug 26, 1959 (Virgo)
Age: 49
Height: 5’3”
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Grey
Occupation: Owner of a consignment gift shop, part-time framer
Family: Husband, Joseph; son, Shane; son, Timothy; daughter, Andrea; cousin, Marion; sister, Beatrice; brother; Joshua; mother, Frances
Cold and stoic, Ernestine McKenna is the captain of the ship that is the McKenna family; she's also Marion's cousin. Although she does not possess the shapeshifting gene herself, it is through her side of the family that Andrea received her powers. Ernestine also has two sons, Timothy and Shane, though, interestingly, neither of them possess shapeshifting abilities. Ernestine's relationship with her children--especially Andrea--is not close: Ernestine is a very "no-nonsense" person who shows little or no emotion. However, her relationship with her son Timothy, a printmaking student, is comparatively the best.
A folk artist and craftswoman by trade, Ernestine owns a consignment gift shop where she sells her own works as well as the works of other local artists. Unfortunately, her business has not been fairing very well, nor has that of her husband Joseph, who is a carpenter. As a result, the McKenna family finances are in turmoil, and Ernestine has been working a second job as a framer at an arts and crafts store to compensate. Ernestine feels, however, that Andrea should be using her powers to help the family earn money, and never fails to put pressure on Andrea to do so, especially considering Andrea's apparent idleness compared to her brothers, who are both in college. Ironically, though, Ernestine appears to be disdainful of Andrea's work with Marion...
Date of Birth: Aug 26, 1959 (Virgo)
Age: 49
Height: 5’3”
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Grey
Occupation: Owner of a consignment gift shop, part-time framer
Family: Husband, Joseph; son, Shane; son, Timothy; daughter, Andrea; cousin, Marion; sister, Beatrice; brother; Joshua; mother, Frances
Cold and stoic, Ernestine McKenna is the captain of the ship that is the McKenna family; she's also Marion's cousin. Although she does not possess the shapeshifting gene herself, it is through her side of the family that Andrea received her powers. Ernestine also has two sons, Timothy and Shane, though, interestingly, neither of them possess shapeshifting abilities. Ernestine's relationship with her children--especially Andrea--is not close: Ernestine is a very "no-nonsense" person who shows little or no emotion. However, her relationship with her son Timothy, a printmaking student, is comparatively the best.
A folk artist and craftswoman by trade, Ernestine owns a consignment gift shop where she sells her own works as well as the works of other local artists. Unfortunately, her business has not been fairing very well, nor has that of her husband Joseph, who is a carpenter. As a result, the McKenna family finances are in turmoil, and Ernestine has been working a second job as a framer at an arts and crafts store to compensate. Ernestine feels, however, that Andrea should be using her powers to help the family earn money, and never fails to put pressure on Andrea to do so, especially considering Andrea's apparent idleness compared to her brothers, who are both in college. Ironically, though, Ernestine appears to be disdainful of Andrea's work with Marion...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sketch of the Week
I've returned with two sketches this week-- this time it's Marion's transition from a blond into... well, what she is today! Read all about it after the jump!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-three
Sheeeeeeeee's Heeeeeeere... That's right, the new character has arrived, and it's Andrea's mom--be afraid. It's been a while since we've introduced anyone new, and now I get to present you guys with another character profile this Friday. If, by any chance, I come across as a little grumpy when you read it, pay no mind to that. If it happens, it will only be because of the hour of sleep I'm losing thanks to this outdated, greedy, and sadistic system we employ know as Daylight Savings Time. I don't care if we get an extra hour of daylight; for those of us not on good terms with the morning, DST's a pain in the neck...have a great week, y'all.--YJ (I already sound grumpy, don't I)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sketch of the Week
Sketch of the Week has returned-- it's been awhile, hasn't it? As promised last week, I have another evolution pic of Andrea. Check it out after the jump!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-Two

Friday, March 5, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part 10
Well, we hate to say it, but the Friday comic strip is going on an indefinite hiatus while we try to focus on another SF-related project...
But keep checking in on Wednesdays and Sundays, including Page 32 this Sunday the7th!
And have a great weekend!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Drawing of the Week
Drawing of the Week again! Last week, I promised to show you all another early drawing of Joia and Andrea. I have it for ya after the jump!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty-one
Hello, my friends! I hope you all had a good week. Today, we present to you Page Thirty-One--in my opinion, one of the more vibrant ones, what with the sound effects and all... Anyhow, things are moving along at least. Don't forget that Shapeshifting & YOU wraps up this Friday; hope you've all found it interesting. See you guys next week for Page Thirty-Two. Peace!--YJ
Friday, February 26, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part Nine
Next week-- Shapeshifting & YOU concludes!
And don't forget... Page 31 goes up this Sunday the 28th!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Drawing of the Week
Drawing of the Week again! And, thankfully, I'm feeling much, much better this week. I've shaken off that cold for the most part, and I'm ready to show you guys what Joia (and Andrea's back) looked like when I drew them for the first time!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Episode 1- Page Thirty

Friday, February 19, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part Eight
Next week-- What goes around...
...And remember Page 30 goes up this Sunday the 21st!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Drawing of the Week
Drawing of the Week is back... forgive my lack of cheerfulness this week, everyone. I'm fighting a cold; and, though it's not nearly as bad as other times I've been sick, I still feel like crap. But let's get on with the show. I think y'all will get a kick out of this one: it's one of the first concept drawings of Marion, done back in '08.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Episode 1- Pages Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine

It's meeeee again... We have another double-feature for you guys this week. Aren't you lucky? Okay, okay, I know these pages are a little sparse, but for all you Eli fans, this should be a treat. This is the official transition into Scene four, so that's why there's not really anything going on. You have to admit, though, it's a lot of eye candy. Anyway, keep checking out our weekly updates if you would. I'll be back next Sunday. See y'all then!--YJ
Friday, February 12, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part Seven
Next week-- More shapeshifting...
Don't miss Pages 28 and 29 on Sunday the 14th!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sketch of the Week
Guess who! The Sketch of the Week is back! This one is a pretty rough sketch, in a medium I don't believe I've used in any other sketch posting up to now...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Episode 1- Page Twenty-seven
I'm here once more to present Page Twenty-Seven. Not much going on here, just a nice conclusion. I'll let you guys in on a little secret...this scene actually seeps over onto Page Twenty-Eight a little bit. But for all intents and purposes, Scene Three is over here. Enjoy Andrea's performance--think of how hard it must have been for her to force herself to do it right... Now, I know I don't need to remind you guys of this, but still, don't forget to check out PG's Drawing of the Week on Wednesday and the next installment of Shapeshifting & YOU this Friday. See you next Sunday!--YJ
Friday, February 5, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part Six
Next week-- More on soul-shifting...
And remember... Page 27 goes up this Sunday the 7th!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Drawing of the Week
Another drawing this week! And a good week it has been for me so far. I've been in a good mood and feeling more positive and confident than usual, for some reason. Hormones, probably. But, this is the month in which my birthday falls, and I've been doing a lot of reminiscing about the past decade. I guess I'm pretty happy with the way things are going in life. Even though this webcomic/blog is a completely unprofitable endeavor -.-... Anyway, this week's drawing marks a kind of turning point in my drawing technique. I'll explain after the jump...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Episode 1- Page Twenty-Six
This week: Page Twenty-six, and Andrea's back with a vengeance. Scene Three's actually wrapping up around here. As a matter of fact, it'll be over by Page Twenty-seven next Sunday. After that, we get a nice change of locale...but I shouldn't get into that now. In the meantime, enjoy the goofy end to all the previous "drama"--if you want to call it that. Enjoy your week! See you next Sunday.--YJ
Friday, January 29, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part 5
Next Week-- More on sandwich cookies...
I'm kidding! But don't forget that Page 26 posts this Sunday the 31st!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Drawing of the Week
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Episode 1- Page Twenty-Five
Page Twenty-five y'all! ...Hi, by the way. It's good to have the gang all together on a full page. I think this page is as fun as the Friday comics. By the way, I'd really like to know what you guys think of Andrea's plan to solve earth's problems...might work. As always, I will reemerge once more from my place of seclusion next Sunday, bringing tidings of Page Twenty-six. In the meantime, please enjoy our other weekly postings. Have a great week.--YJ
Friday, January 22, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part Four
Next week-- Shapeshifting more than just your appearance...
And remember... Page Twenty-five goes up this Sunday the 24th.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sketch of the Week
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Episode 1- Page Twenty-four
Friday, January 15, 2010
Shapeshifting & YOU- Part Three
Next week-- More about Marion's father...
And remember: Page twenty-four goes up this Sunday the 17th!
Have a great weekend!
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